Surveys For
all the Surveys on one page most Builders need
Site Surveys is a Brisbane based project survey business that specialises in providing 'whole of project' surveys from beginning to end.
Preparing Site Plans for design is a particular specialty.
Most surveys to suit Builders are listed on the right.
Please understand that, due to continuing high demand, we must prioritise projects that we are currently involved with, such as having already provided a Site Plan. Please also be aware that most set outs in inner suburban areas will likely require an identification survey, which can often result in a delay up to 4 weeks.

Site Plans for Reno's and New Builds
Our Site Plan Includes
- Levels and contours on site (at AHD derived datum)
- Existing site features (fences, retaining walls, driveways, etc)
- Existing building detail (outer wall line, roof, floor, and gutter heights)
- Significant vegetation (trees with a trunk Dia greater than 0.2m) & street trees
- Services visible at surface
- Footpath & kerb detail
- Neighbouring building detail (wall location fronting site, roof heights, setback from road) where visible
- Natural Ground Plan showing BCC contours when required to determined maximum building heights for house raises and certification (Brisbane City properties only)
Note: Where underground sewer and stormwater pipes cannot be located by observation, the location will be scaled from Council and Utility information. Site Surveys P/L accepts no responsibility for, nor guarantees the accuracy of Council or supplied information.
Plans will be provided in pdf and dwg (CAD) format by email.
Paper plans can be provided on request.
This survey is used for design only and does not include pegs. If you are constructing near a boundary or at minimum permitted boundary clearances, you may require a Boundary Identification Survey (Ident) for building set out and certification.
Identification Surveys
Boundary Identification Surveys offer a high degree of accuracy and establish the true position of your boundaries in relation to neighbouring properties. Pegs are placed on the ground to indicate exact boundary locations.
The survey also records the location of any structures close to the boundary.
A building location certificate - Form 12, is a Government form that refers to a building's location, or its height or both.
It informs the building certifier that the construction has been built in accordance with the approved plans.
Certification is a usually a requirement for completing construction, particularly when homes are being raised and especially if boundary clearance relaxations have been applied for.
Occasionally we receive requests for a form 12 at the completion of construction. However the appropriate time to check the construction is before the builder prepares the footings.
If there has been no survey at this stage the location of the proposed construction is being determined by guesswork.
​We recommend that a Building Set Out Survey be undertaken to avoid mistakes and future issues. Certification is always required when building close to a boundary or on approved boundary clearances.
​In areas where there has been no surveys for many years. a boundary survey will be required. This is mandated by Government regulation.

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It costs nothing to ask