Building in a Flood Zone?
You will need a Survey
When building in a flood zone area, councils require that building plans require a development application which must be supported by a Flood Assessment undertaken by a professional engineer. To enable the engineer to carry out this task you will first need to provide them with a site survey plan carried out by a registered licenced surveyor.
The assesment requirements vary from one council area to another however, for a professional engineer to do the job properly and accurately they will always require a professional survey.

Beat the rush!
After long frustrating delays, insurance payments & flood recovery grants are filtering through at the end of 2022 and 1st quarterof 2023.
Rather than face another frustrating delay we recommend that you move quickly to order your survey sooner rather than later, as a flood survey is just one part, but a necessary part, of what can be a lengthy process. The survey is at the start, so don't wait around

How high can you build?
In Brisbane the council have special provisions that allow new building applications, including people raising an existing home that was flooded, to exceed the standard 9.5 metre height limit. There are also height provisions for habitable floor levels relative to defined flood levels. Your building designer will need this survey to accurately design these. It makes sense then to get your survey early.

Types & height of flood
Aside from river & creek flooding there is a lesser known type of flooding known as 'overland flow' which also needs to be taken into account. Most councils in SEQ provide flood information and mapping of flood zones. Information for Brisbane can be accessed by clicking these links.
Flood Assessment Surveys Are a Specialty at Site Surveys
Here at Site Surveys we are sensitive to the trauma & frustration that flood victims have had to face. We understand the detail that these post flood surveys require both for the engineer's flood assessment report & the requirements of the governments flood recover grants as well as all the issues your designer will need to comply with to gain the approvals you need.