Hint - they will save you money and more

Site Plans are so important because they enable cost efficiencies through all stages of all types of projects such as major renovations, extensions, new buildings, land subdivisions and even granny flats and carports, especially if adopted early.
By all stages we mean from preliminary design through to completion.
Will You Need Council Approval?
In fact, if you are seeking to build something that requires a Council development approval [DA] it’s highly likely that you will need to have one anyway so rather than wait until a later stage of the project you will get the most benefit by having one done at the very start – it won’t cost you any more money.
This may sound like just another piece of marketing rhetoric but it's not. It's about accurately locating detail, first time, that will be needed. No expensive site re-visits required or even more expensive mistakes resulting from inaccurate or missing information.
Quality Is Important
A good quality Site Plan is so important because it provides building designers, project managers, town planners and other building industry professionals with much more information at a similar price point than they could ever achieve before. This enables cost efficiencies through all stages of projects, especially if adopted early. It also means that they are all working off the exact same information thus eliminating time consuming and expensive errors and miscommunication between consultants.

Tailored Information
The information shown on a site plan will vary depending on the size and nature of the project, so it then becomes apparent that the greater the amount of information that is required the greater is the time and cost to gather that information and to prepare the plan.
This is where Site Surveys have perfected their service and differentiate themselves in provision of the exact requirements for the project at hand, using their intimate knowledge of the requirements for that project type. This way you only pay for what is needed, no less, no more, meaning expensive re-visits to site are not required also eliminating the time delays that would cause.
So, as you can see, not only is a site plan a useful and important tool to facilitate the success of most building projects it’s also sensible to ensure that it contains the necessary information for that project.
With Site Surveys you can be assured of that.